Choose your own prompt- Reasons for school drop outs
1.2 million… 1.2 million kids drop out of school each year alone in the United States. Thats one student every 26 seconds or 7,000 students a day. About only 25% of high school freshman make it to their high school graduation. Reasons why I believe students drop out as high schoolers is because of lack of parent engagement, poor Academic performance, and not enough individualized attention.
There are many factors that contribute to high school students becoming former student early on. Lack of parent engagement is the leading belief why student don’t make it through 9th to 12th grade. If moms and dad don’t hold high aspirations for their child education it sends a “if my parents don’t care, why should I?” causing the student to not care about grades or graduation.
Another factor I believe that is part of becoming a high school dropout is not enough individualized attention. For example, students even dread walking into the vicious front doors of high school let alone will they ask for one on one time with the “uncool teacher” to understand the homework assignment or the reason why they failed the test. thus causing the student to slowly but surely fail and eventually over time, give up. Not enough individualized attention can cause the students to feel as if the teacher doesn’t care or as if their education is not a big deal. Sometimes teachers may need to step in or parents should step in and tell the child to get help or to ask more questions.
Therefore, I believe that students drop out not because they want to but they feel they have to. Whether it be not parent relationship or no one on one contact they all contribute the 1.2 million kids schools lose each year.
I am a…
Morgan Jones
April 23,2014
You might think i’m just
a teenage girl
with red hair
blue eyes
but i know i am more
way more than that
not a pencil or a plane
not a pasta dish or a bird
a horse
a stubborn horse
when I am upset
or displeased
when I stand lifeless
ignoring my commands
I am a horse being unwilling
riders becoming angry
but when I become cheeky
my horse starts to dance
racers awe in relief
showing their excitement
I become a gentle giant
dancing and athletic
surprising everyone with my tricks
I begin to explore and prance
I’m always devoted
until I get tired
thats where my energy is drained
I take a breath and start over
and over
and over
the red-haired, blue-eyed girl
is a horse
a big hearted, devoted, gentle giant all in one